Wimbledon is the oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament in the world, and many consider it an unofficial championship of the world. Wimbledon attracts the most diverse audience, from members of royal families, actors, and politicians to exclusive escorts who do not miss the opportunity to support their favourites.
Tennis, also known as Royal Sports, is one of today’s most popular sports. Though tennis was created as entertainment, today it is one of the most attractive sports, requiring athletes to use sophisticated techniques that get the audience on their feet in all tournaments.
Wimbledon is third in the Grand Slam series in the season and has a long history. The first tournament was played in 1877 in front of only a few spectators, while today’s game attracts about half a million viewers. Since its inception, Wimbledon has remained virtually authentic – it is played on the same surface, i.e., on the grass, and has the same rules supplemented with only minor details. In the beginning, only tennis players competed in the tournament, and the first to win was legendary Spencer Gore.
The right to participate also got women tennis players seven years later, and Mod Watson was the first to win the tournament. Today, Wimbledon is a sporting event that the whole world is watching. In the game, in strictly white clothes, competitors from more than 60 nations compete in front of a vast crowd, watching the tournament from the stands, on the radio, on television, and on the internet. This year, 2018, you will enjoy Wimbledon from 2-15 July. Two weeks of top tennis, top athletes whose primary goal is to raise the glittering cup reserved for the best, for number 1.
This year, as well as every previous one, spectators will enjoy the prestigious sport and cheer their favourites because Wimbledon is the best way to start a summer atmosphere in London. If you do not live in London, this tennis tournament is the real reason you should visit England during the summer.
As this is the most prestigious tennis tournament that many thousands of spectators visit each year, remember that you need to get the ticket in time and pre-book a London escort. You must not wait long if you want the best places in the stadium. After that, you must dress according to the dress code prescribed by the viewers, fold into your chair, put on sunglasses, and enjoy the top tennis shoes.