One of the benefits of meeting our escorts as part of a threesome is that you can ask for pretty much anything. Here at London Valentine’s, we are asked on a near daily basis about which of our lovely ladies is available for a threesome to meet a couple who wish to add some spice to their love lives or to have two of our escorts for a duo encounter.
Suppose you are interested in meeting two women simultaneously but don’t know where to start. In that case, we recommend using an escort agency to make your dream come true, and we have compiled this handy guide to your first threesome, which will hopefully make the reality as good – if not better – than your wildest fantasy!
Number one, you should enquire which of our expensive agency escorts is available as part of a duo. Perhaps you already have your eye on one of our lovely girls, but you can always ask if any of the others would be interested in joining in for a threesome. The worst that can happen is that they say no.
Then, you should consider the chemistry between the girls, which can be critical to ensuring a happy threesome, especially if you expect a lot of interaction between the girls. Are these girls really bisexual, and do they really know each other beforehand?
Previous knowledge between the girls can be a significant advantage, especially if they have a track record of enjoying each other’s company and perhaps have wanted a threesome as a duo with a client before. Again, this is the significant advantage of booking through an agency, as the agent will know all this information already, and will go to the utmost lengths to arrange a suitable pairing, and of course, will never send you a pair of mortal enemies who will ruin the mood with a bad attitude.
You can also choose to meet the two girls for an incall. With enough notice, we can arrange for you to meet with some of our perfect duos at one of their luxury apartments. Such a meeting will take place in an environment where the girls already know and where they are most comfortable, allowing them to get on with the task of enjoying themselves with you.
So there you have it. A threesome is a popular fantasy, and we can certainly see why, since when done right, it can lead to a delicious sensory overload for all three participants, a big ego boost, and another tick off the bucket list. You need to follow the correct steps watch out for the potential pitfalls, and you will have an experience that will last long in the memory.