Many of our escorts are multilingual, speaking various languages, not just English or those found in Eastern European countries, but Spanish and Italian. This makes them appealing to men of all nationalities, not just British and Russian clients. Although some of our escorts only have basic English when they first arrive in London, they usually have the determination to learn the language and typically become fairly fluent very quickly. Even if English is not a language they are entirely comfortable with, you’ll find that ‘body language’ and passion will transcend any communication issues. We’re sure you’ll agree that sometimes you don’t need to speak to get your point across.
While many clients prefer to use their meeting with one of our fine ladies to spend intimate time alone in the privacy of their home, hotel room or the escort’s apartment, we also get many bookings for our executive escorts to join clients for a range of social situations. Sometimes, it’s just an intimate dinner for two in one of London’s top restaurants; other times, clients request two escorts to make up a business dinner ‘foursome’. Sometimes, a client books a companion to accompany him to a more formal occasion or act as a hostess. For events such as these, the right escort must be selected: the woman who looks elegant and sophisticated and has the social skills and ability to seamlessly blend into any social situation. Our high-class girls are perfect for these kinds of occasions, and many excel at being companions in the corporate world.
Most of our expensive escorts love meeting new people, learning about the London way of life, improving their English and enjoying every unique experience. That’s why you’ll find that they’re open, friendly and willing to chat and have fun. They don’t just go through the motions, like some escorts, but prefer to engage completely with their clients to give you a more personal, intimate and enjoyable service. You’ve probably met with a lady at some time in your life who’s been completely detached, devoid of emotion and merely going through the motions. While this kind of attitude may be what some clients want, we’re sure that the majority of you are looking for someone who at least seems to be enjoying spending time with you. After all, we all love to be wanted and feel desired, even if we meet someone for the first time.